Sunday 26 May 2013

Serieskolan 2013

Took a walk with Hedvig today to see the exhibition over at Serieskolan (The Comic Art School) here in Malmö, Sweden.
So, for those of you who can't make it there –
here are a few snapshots of some of the stuff that I especially liked. Enjoy!

 The webcomic "Seed" by Julia Philip can be found by clicking HERE!

Alexandra Malmquist

If I had to single out one author among this years students I think it would be Anna Syvertsson. Great stuff, both when it comes to stories and art. Here's her part of the exhibition in full!

 If you like this I'm sure you'll enjoy her blog:

And one more favourite:
The poster by Sissel G.
Check out her Deviant art by clicking HERE!

Now, it's late sunday evening and it's time to get back to the drawing board. Still got some inking left to do on the latest Nils the Cat page...